Kami mengundang Anda para profesional muda yang bersemangat untuk mencari tantangan baru yang menjanjikan dalam lingkungan kerja yang penuh dengan ide dan kreatifitas untuk selalu berkembang.
Kami adalah perusahaan bergerak di bidang online advertising dan web promotion yang menyediakan jasa portal iklan online serta pembuatan website. Kami membawa layanan media digital ke level yang lebih tinggi, berkualitas dan mudah diterima khalayak umum.
Sales Manager Bandung (Jawa Barat), Surabaya (Jawa Timur), Yogyakarta
Develops a business plan and sales strategy
Ensure attainment of company sales goals and profitability
Responsible for tehperformance and development of the sales team ensuring their complete product knowledge.
Initiates and coordinates with senior management for the development of action plans to penetrare new markets.
Assists in the development and implementation of marketing plans as needed
Able to provide good reports that supports management decission
Male/ Female, Max 40 years old
S1 from any disciplines
3 years of experience in sales supervisor
Having a Positive mindset and have a pasion in work
Have marketing ideas and creative
able to coordinate multitasks and target oriented
Fluent in English
Proven leadership and ability to drive sales teams
Willing to travel
Please submit your detailed resume with a contact number, current and expected salary and a recent photograph to email:
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Jawa Barat, Informas Lowongan Kerja Jakarta, Informasi Lowongan Kerja Batam, Informasi Lowongan Kerja Sumatera, Informasi Lowongan Kerja Jawa Tengah, Informasi Lowongan Kerja Jawa Timur, Informasi Lowongan Kerja Bali
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