Advertised:06-06-13 Closing Date:06-07-13
CV Irawan Jaya
A boutique distribution company in mobile accessories serving retail channels and e-commerce partners.Distributing international brands namely, Gosh! (origin caountry from Singapore) and iStyle (origin country from Hongkong) to local market by developing sales pipeline and promotion strategy to create brand awareness. We have our private label of mobile device accessories creating lifestyle product targeting youngsters, called urbanit!
Currently we are looking for people who are dynamic and iniative in selling the products to various channels.
Sales Canvasser
Jakarta Raya
- Pendidikan Min. SMA atau sederajat
- Komunikatif & Persuasif
- Berpengalaman dengan penjualan produk gadget & digital mobile accessories
- Memiliki Kendaraan Pribadi (Motor)
- Memiliki SIM C
- Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft Office; World & Excel Sheet serta email & Internet.
Benefit :
- Gaji Pokok UMP (Upah Minimal Provinsi)
- Tunjangan Transport
- Komisi
- Bonus
Human Resource Department
Grand Palace Kemayoran, Tower A Lantai 11 A11AA.
Jalan Benyamin Suaeb Block A5.
Jakarta Pusat. 10630
Tel. 021 - 982 55 122
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